University of Scranton, Leahy Hall
Bloomsburg University, Arts and Administration Building
Marywood University, Respiratory Therapy
Misericordia University, Insalaco Hall
Moravian University, HILL Residence
Penn State University, Scranton, Admission Office
University of Scranton, St. Thomas Hall, Jesuit Center
Misericordia University, Trocaire Program
Penn State University, Scranton, Sherbine Lounge
Mansfield University Allen Hall
Bear Creek Charter School
Kutztown University Rohrbach Library
Marywood University Healthy Families
Marywood Insalaco Center
Marywood University Learning Commons
Marywood Marian Chapel
Marywood University Natatorium
Marywood University Center for Architectural Studies
University of Scranton Admissions at the Estate
Universit of Scranton Pilarz and Montrone Halls
Lackawanna College 409 Dining Commons
Lackawanna College Environmental Education Center (LEEC)
Lackawanna College
Mansfield Alumni
U of S Weinberg
Marywood University Esports Center